Understanding Welsh Towns
Web | www.understandingwelshplaces.wales |
Understanding Welsh Places is a bilingual website that presents data about more than 300 towns and communities in Wales in a format that is accessible and easy to use. This resource is intended to support grassroots planning activities within towns. As well as exploring data about individual places, people can compare their town with other places, and find out about their town’s relationship with nearby communities and others across Wales. Funded by Carnegie UK Trust and the Welsh Government, the project has been managed by the Institute of Welsh Affairs and build by WISERD, with support from CLES . And we have some suggested tweets if you are on social media: Today we’ve launched #UnderstandingWelshPlaces – a website that will tell you all about your town. It’s got data about employment, schools, shops and much more, all at town level. Check it out here: www.understandingwelshplaces.wales @CarnegieUKTrust @IWA_Wales #FlourishingTowns Are you a community group, planner or policy maker in Wales? Our new website #UnderstandingWelshPlaces will help you to learn all about your place www.understandingwelshplaces.wales @CarnegieUKTrust @IWA_Wales #FlourishingTowns Interested in how your town is doing? This new tool from @IWA_Wales @CarnegieUKTrust presents data about your place – find out about the economy, services, and people here: www.understandingwelshplaces.wales #community #planning