Added on 29 June 2020
Coychurch Higher Community Council Meetings:
Coychurch Higher Community Council has been unable to hold meetings since the outbreak of COVID-19. However, the Clerk continues to administer the daily business of the Council and ensures all Members are kept up to date.
Normally, CHCC would hold their Annual General Meeting in May, but again, due to COVID-19, this has not been possible. As soon as arrangements can be made for the AGM to be held safely, we will post a notice to advise of date and time etc.
Certification and approval of annual accounts for 2019-20:
Regulation 15(1) of the Accounts and Audit (Wales) Regulations 2014 (as amended) requires that the Responsible Financial Officer (also the Clerk) of Coychurch Higher Community Council sign and date the statement of accounts, and certify that it properly presents Coychurch Higher Community Council’s receipts and payments for the year ending 2019/2020. The Regulations required that this be completed by 30 June 2020.
The Annual Return was signed off by the Responsible Financial Officer on 10th June and is now with the Internal Auditor. As soon as is possible, the Annual Return will be presented to the full council for their approval.
Karyl Carter
Coychurch Higher Community Council